Increased impact of Greek scientific publications says a new National Documentation Centre’s report

Jun 25, 2017 | Business | Innovation

ekt67The scientific writing activity of Greek institutes in international journals for the five-year-period 2000-2014 is presented in the National Documentation Centre’s (EKT) new report “Greek Scientific Publications 2000- 2014: bibliometric analysis of Greek publications in international scientific journals” (in Greek). According to the main findings of the report, which used data from the Web of Science, Greek publications have maintained their high impact. In fact, the impact indicator for Greek publications over the five-year-period 2000-2014 surpassed the average for EU and OECD countries. The percentage of Greek publications cited also have continued to be higher than the average for EU and OECD countries. The number of publications produced in recent years has remained stable, with a slight decline after 2012, which was the year with the highest number of publications. If the number of publications in relation to the national expenditure on Research & development is taken into consideration, then Greece is one of the leading countries in the EU.

The study is part of a series of studies undertaken by EKT aimed at recording and analysing the Greek scientific activity in international peer-reviewed journals. The study relies on the Web of Science database and records the country’s output inscientific publications on a national and per-institutional category level.

A previous publication in the same series, “Greek Scientific Publications 1998-2012: Bibliometric Analysis of Greek Publications in International Scientific Journals” (available in English), covers the fifteen-year period 1998-2012 and uses data from the Web of Science. The series provides a continuous and reliable means of monitoring and presenting the developments connected with Greek publications and their position in the international environment (globally, the OECD and the European Union).


Bibliometric indicators provide significant information and contribute to a measurable and objective picture of the Research & Development systems. They are commonly used as measures of research activity and performance in institutions, research centers, research groups or for individual researchers. Moreover, they provide information about research activity across scientific fields, point to the emergence of new subject areas and map research networks created for the achievement of common scientific goals.

While bibliometric analyses have certain limitations, these limitations can be overcome by placing bibliometric indicators within the appropriate contextual framework, taking into account additional data and statistics as well as qualitative research outcomes. The National Documentation Centre applied a robust methodological approach and validation techniques in bibliometrics. It also developed software tools which enabled the processing of data collected and the calculation of bibliometric indicators.

The analysis follows a methodological framework (e.g. databases, range of indicators, method of calculations, range of institutions and scientific fields) so as to ensure consistency of calculations and results. The indicators present the number and share (%) of publications, percentage (%) of cited publications, number and share (%) of citations, citation impact, field normalised citation score, number and percentile breakdown of the highly cited publications.

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