Fact Sheet: The Refugee / Migration Crisis and Greece

Feb 21, 2017 | Fact Sheets

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“…2017 will be a crucial year to tackle the refugee crisis. The faster implementation of the relocation scheme from Greece to EU countries, so as to reach the 30,000 target set for the year, as well as the strengthening of Asylum Services with personnel specialized in examining asylum claims, are important elements for the successful management of the refugee crisis. Together we are making the effort and together we will succeed in “a Europe of cohesion and of the Enlightenment”.

Ioannis Mouzalas, Migration Policy Minister


“..We have addressed and we are still managing this crisis with human values and the concern for those in need at the center of our efforts. Helping refugees and migrants in Greece is an ongoing struggle. Our daily concern is to bring out the humane face of Greece, a country that has exerted itself, has been proving negative stereotypes wrong and addresses contemporary challenges with solidarity and responsibility.”

Lefteris Kretsos, General Secretary for Media & Communication


With over 1 million refugees / migrants having arrived via the Turkish coast in Greece since 2015, our country is one of the EU countries most affected by the ongoing crisis (View summary statements of refugee flows here). This special edition has been updated with the most important facts and figures related to this issue (Previous Refugee Crisis Fact Sheets: December 2015 | April 2016):